KU Tennis Camp for Juniors

Jayhawk Tennis Center in Lawrence, KS

Coach Todd Chapman and team will help your junior  not only get better at tennis but also have lots of fun. Overnight options available as well Check it out KU […]

HOA Jr. Circuit BG10&U, 12-18

Genesis KCRC in Mission, KS 6501 FRONTAGE RD, Mission, KS, United States

Deadine is July 8

L7: HOA BG12-18

Genesis Health Clubs-Lawrence South, 5200 Clinton Pkwy, Lawrence, KS

Deadline is July 16th

L6: USTA HOA BG12, 16

Clayview Country Club (Genesis) in Kansas City, MO

Deadline is July 15

L6: USTA HOA BG14,18

Overland Park Racquet Club, 6800 W 91st St, Overland Park, KS

Deadline is July 15

L4 Open: USTA MV BG16-18 #4

Dwight Davis Tennis Center in St. Louis, MO

Deadline is July 10th

L5 Open: USTA MV BG12-18

Oklahoma City Tennis Center in Oklahoma City, OK

Deadline is July 17

L6: USTA HOA BG12-18

Plaza Tennis Center 4747 Mill Creek Parkway 4747 Mill Creek Parkway, Kansas City, MO, United States

Deadline is July 22nd