The Jayhawk Tennis Center desk staff are responsible for keeping track of any type of court reservation including necessary court changes for the KU Women’s Tennis team needs. We ask that the primary court reserver (i.e. the Host) commit to the day and time of their court reservation.
If you are a nonmember booking a court time(i.e. the Host), we ask that you prepay for that court time if you are the only player listed or for your portion if other players are listed in the reservation.
If you have to cancel a reserved court time, we need 24 hours notice. If the cancellation is not made at least 24 hours in advance of the reserved court time, the primary court reserver will be billed for the court time. Canceling a court in advance shows respect for other players and might allows others to have desired court time.
In the event of inclement weather and the club closes, you will not be billed for court time, clinics, or lessons. We will issue an account credit for the missed time.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Jayhawk Tennis Center & KU reserve the right to cancel a court/lesson/clinic if KU Athletics needs a court.