We have adult tennis programs for players of all skill levels, including first-time players!
The Jayhawk adult program is designed to meet the needs of Lawrence. We strive to offer classes that are as unique and diverse as the community called Unmistakingly Lawrence.
Our drills provide an entry point for those wanting an introduction to the game, all the way to the veterans that have been playing their entire lives.
Within our all-encompassing program, we offer classes, leagues, and teams for different skill levels and ages. Just to name a few, we have cardio tennis, drills that are game based, skill focused, as well as classes targeting strategic point play in court positioning.
At Jayhawk Tennis Center, you can learn or improve upon consistency and accuracy, technique, and strategy, or maybe you just want to unwind and have fun with friends. Competitive or not, our broad spectrum of classes within our program can provide something for everyone.
Adult Games/Point Play
This drill is all about games! Participate in action-packed games along with point play. Move-up, move-down, or offense/defense to name a few. Structured for competitive fun.
(NTRP Rating 3.0-4.0)*
Adult Games/Point Play Winter Monday Session
January 6 – March 10
Adult Games/Point Play Winter Wednesday Session
January 8 – March 11
Adult Cardio
This class features heart-pumping tennis drills and games for players of all abilities! You will be amazed at how many calories you can burn in a short amount of time while having a blast on the court!
All levels of players are welcome.
Adult Cardio Winter Monday Session
January 6 – March 10
Intro to Tennis (i.e. Beginner)
Never played before or have very little tennis experience? Our Intro to Tennis class is the perfect place to start! Learn about racquets, grips and technique in a safe, friendly environment where questions and fun are encouraged. For example, you will learn forehand swing, backhand swing, serving and the basics of footwork.
(NTPR Rating 1.0-2.0)*
Adult Intro to Tennis/Beginner Thursdays Winter Session*
January 9 – March 13
*If you have been in the Adult Intro to Tennis this past Fall, sign up for this class
Our Intermediate drill is for players with prior tennis experience looking to upgrade their game. This class will include a combination of technique and strategy-based drills. We will address the serve, forehand, backhand and net-play with an emphasis on technique, spin and consistency. There will be point play through games, as well as some match play. Players will be divided by level within this class. This class is not for first time beginners who are new to the game. (NRTP rating 2.0-3.0)*
Our Advance Drill is for the competitive 3.5 or above player looking to take their game to the next level. This drill will focus on advanced techniques and match play strategies through drills and match play.
(NTPR Rating 3.5 or higher)*
Intermediate Tuesdays Winter Session
January 7 – March 11
Intermediate Wednesdays Winter Session
January 8 – March 12
Adult Advanced Thursdays Winter Session
January 9 – March 13
Senior Active Tennis
For those 50 and up who are either new or coming back to the game! Learn to play tennis in just four, one-hour sessions. You will learn to develop consistency and correct technique. We will also include basic strategies for singles and doubles.
Senior Active Tennis Winter Session I
Fridays, January 10, 17
Thursdays, January 23, 3o & February 6th
Senior Active Tennis Winter Session II
Fridays, February 14, 21, 28, March 14th
& Thursday, March 6
Ladies Drill
This class is for intermediate to advanced ladies. It is a combination of drills and point play with an emphasis on doubles play and strategy.
Ladies Drill Tuesdays Winter Session
January 7 – March 11
Ladies Drill Wednesdays Winter Session
January 8 – March 12
Tennis has its own rating system for adults, who would like to play tournaments or want to place themselves in the correct clinic or drill. It is called the NTRP or National Tennis Rating Program.
“National Tennis Rating Program (NTRP) is a numerical indicator of tennis-playing ability, from 1.5 (beginner) through 7.0 (touring pro), which aligns with a set of general characteristics that break down the skills and abilities of each level, in 0.5 increments. Ratings are generated by play in USTA Adult Divisions of 18 & Over, 40 & Over, 55 & Over, 65 & Over, Mixed 18 & Over, Mixed 40 & Over and Mixed 55 & Over. In some sections, results from USTA Sanctioned Tournaments and additional leagues may be included in the Ratings calculation. Ratings help establish a player’s NTRP skill level after only a few matches and do not change dramatically.” USTA
To get started, you can do a questionnaire to rate your skills. Once you have completed the USTA Self-Rate Questionnaire, an NTRP entry-level rating will be generated for a new player or a player re-entering the USTA League Adult Division with a M (Mixed) or T (Tournament) rating.
Now you are ready to compete in leagues and tournaments!