KU VS Baylor

Come Cheer On the women's KU Tennis Team. Begins with Doubles then Singles KU Women's Tennis Page

National L3 12 OK

Genesis Riverside (RH91) in Tulsa, OK 3030 E 91st, Tulsa, OK, United States

Feb 23 Deadline

Tennis Up Your Game – Middle Schoolers

Jayhawk Tennis Center in Lawrence, KS

Have you learned a little bit about tennis or played some with your friends? Did you learn tennis in middle school and want to get better? Or do you wish your middle school had a tennis team? For all these reasons, check out our Tennis Up Your Game free clinic. Bring a friend. Bring a […]


KU VS Texas

Come Cheer On the women's KU Tennis Team. Begins with Doubles then Singles KU Women's Tennis Page

J300 San Diego 18

Barnes Tennis Center in San Diego, CA

Feb 28th Deadline

Easter Bowl 12-18

Indian Wells Tennis Garden in Indian Wells, CA

Mar 2nd Deadline

Level 7: USTA HOA 12-18G

Clayview Country Club (Genesis) in Kansas City, MO

Deadline 3/20/2023

Tennis Games Night for Adult Players

Jayhawk Tennis Center 233 Rock Chalk Lane, Lawrence, KS, United States

With Spring around the corner, it is time for another Adult Tennis Games Social.  Bring yourself, a racquet, a friend and a drink of your choice Coach Christy and Team are excited to host again. The mixed nuts are Really Good! Sign up here    
